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If you choose to buy the cards, the most expensive card is priced at from 144,000 to 155,000 FUT coins for FUT 23 Coins -rated de Jong, followed by Osimhen, which costs around 51,500 FUT coins. Most cards won’t cost you more than 30,000 FUT coins and lower-rated cards can be quick-sold for 10,000 FUT coins.

You don’t need to sell your lower-rated cards, however. You can use these cards when building a squad-building challenge (SBC) that requires a TOTW (Inform) card.Here’s the full list of all the TOTW 21 cards released inFIFA 23Ultimate Team today:An -rated Showdown version of Wout Weghorst is now available in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team for those who complete a themed squad-building challenge (SBC).

Weghorst will face Elliott each other in the Manchester United vs. Liverpool match, and because of that, both received a Showdown version for players to pick who will win the real-life game and receive a +2 overall in-game upgrade on top of this boosted card.

Weghorst has high skill ratings ranging from 87 to 94, except for his 60-rated Defending. He already has an 87-rated Winter Wildcards version, but compared to his 79-rated gold card, his Pace (+27), Passing (+20), and Dribbling (+18) received the main upgrades.

To get this Showdown Weghorst card, you’ll need to turn in three different squads: Manchester United, Top Form, and 87-rated Squad. Here are each of the conditions and the respective rewards for these squads:

SBCConditionsRewardManchester United83-rated squad with at least one player from Manchester United.Small buy FIFA 23 Coins gold players packTop Form85-rated squad that has no less than one TOTW player.Prime mixed players pack87-rated SquadA squad with 87 points of rating minimum.Small rare gold players pack


الموضوع الأصلي : Mmoexp FUT 23:Here’s the list of the cheapest solutions     -     المصدر : منتديات     -     الكاتب : DonnaStella123

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