مركز رفع الصور

منتديات التسويق والنشر

hagarsadek17 عضو مميز

New Generation Real Estate Company launches Winter New Alamein Village, as its one of its latest projects in the heart of North Coast City, which is located in one of the best geographical locations close to Down town, in addition to this, the company achieved a wonderful diversity in the available residential spaces.

Services and facilities of Winter New Alamein

  • Winter New Alamein Resort features green spaces covering the majority of the project's land area.
  • Industrial lakes are also present in front of and around the buildings to create natural views.
  • A health club is available for various activities such as gym, spa, and jacuzzi.
  • A private beach accommodates a large number of resort residents.
  • Swimming pools of various sizes are available, including pools for children.
  • Winter*New Alamein Resort has two entrances to facilitate access for customers from different geographical points.
  • A commercial area is included that provides for the residents' needs.
  • Winter New Alamein Resort also includes financial transactions and ATM machines.


الموضوع الأصلي : Invest in North Coast's Villages with 5% DP     -     المصدر : منتديات     -     الكاتب : hagarsadek17

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