مركز رفع الصور

منتديات التسويق والنشر

سلمي ياسين عضو مميز

Foster Care/Kafala in Egypt
Whenever a child finds himself without parents willing to raise and care for him. There is a system inspired by Islamic Sharia'a known as the "Kafala" system. Which differs from "adoption" simply in the way that if the child has known biological parents, she must remain related to them, even if they never meet. In addition, the child cannot inherit by power of law, but by written will of the parents.
Families may choose private foster care for a number of reasons. You may have connections to pro-life groups that regularly encourage women to choose to offer their children for foster care as an alternative to abortion.

Foster Care/Kafala in Egypt
Perhaps a close friend has passed away, children are left homeless, and foster care is often the best opportunity for relatives to take care of abandoned children. And if you are invited to the ministry to care for an orphan, Alzayat International Law Firm in Egypt is also here to help you on this journey.
That being the case, Kafala has been the choice of many families to welcome a new member to their family. However, it is necessary to prepare a series of procedures and documents for the “Kafala”, as well as the conditions that must be met.

Foster Care/Kafala in Egypt
For example, it is the original rule but may be subject to exceptions, the religion of the family must be the same as that of the child, and one of the spouses must be Egyptian. In addition, the family consists of a married couple. The adoptive parents must meet the criteria of moral and social maturity, based on the social investigation carried out by the competent social department and the competent civil association or institution. And their marriage has been at least 3 years, and the age of each of them should not be less than 25 years old and not more than 60 years old.


الموضوع الأصلي : Foster Care/Kafala in Egypt     -     المصدر : منتديات     -     الكاتب : سلمي ياسين

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