مركز رفع الصور

منتديات التسويق والنشر

hagarsadek17 عضو مميز

Giselle New Zayed Compound was developed by Landmark Real Estate Development Company, which is a distinctive project that's located in a vital location in Sheikh Zayed, the project is distinguished by offering residential units which are luxurious villas which were designed on the highest level of quality.

Service of Giselle New Zayed Compound

  • International Schools: Giselle New Zayed Compound collaborates with prestigious international schools that provide comprehensive and distinguished educational programs for students of all ages.
  • Nurseries and Sports Centers: Equipped nurseries and educational and sports centers are also available, contributing to the development of young children's skills and providing specialized care for them.
  • Specialized Medical Centers: Giselle New Zayed Compound collaborates with*specialized medical*centers and multiple specialty clinics to provide healthcare services and*medical consultations*for residents.
  • Pharmacies: The project provides 24-hour*pharmacies*to meet the needs of residents regarding medicines and medical supplies.


الموضوع الأصلي : Invest in New Zayed's Best Compound with 10% DP     -     المصدر : منتديات     -     الكاتب : hagarsadek17

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