مركز رفع الصور

منتديات التسويق والنشر

AN.aviations عضو جديد

AN Aviation services CO. has established a network of strong connections throughout the world to global flight support.

Over the years we have established partnerships with highly respected sister companies in every country.

Because service quality is our first priority, we have carefully picked our partners to ensure that our clients get the best service that they deserve.

And we analyze every element of the flight from route trip planning, aircraft performance, airport capabilities, and suitability, to weather and ATC route review to ensure that the dispatch of your aircraft is provided to the very highest of aviation industry standards.

Our comprehensive global flight support services including providing live updates on all aspects of weather conditions along the operational route, together with NOTAM review and ongoing follow-up with ground service providers so everyone is ready and waiting for the aircraft’s arrival.

24/7 licensed flight dispatch and flight watch
IFR flight planning for all types of aircraft
Securing en-route permits and traffic rights
Seasonal flight permits
Aircraft ground handling
FBO services
Passenger and cargo handling
Fuel uplifts
Airport special assistance and supervision
Hotel accommodation for the crew
Concierge services for crew
We all know how alarming preparation for flight operations can be, thus it is our mission to arrange a smooth transition from ground to air.
Our wide array of services promise to deliver good quality and reliability international flight support in every secondary and dominant service.


الموضوع الأصلي : Global flight support in Egypt     -     المصدر : منتديات     -     الكاتب : AN.aviations

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