مركز رفع الصور

منتديات التسويق والنشر

AN.aviations عضو جديد

When time is of the essence AN Aviation help in facilitating Air ambulance handling without waiting times or delays to transfer critical patients from one country to another for treatment.

Over the years we have constantly refined our knowledge to ensure the safety and clinical welfare of our patients during an emergency or non-emergency medical evacuation from one destination to another.

Because we know the success of these flights can literally be the difference between life and death and every second counts for the patient.

We only have one aim and that is to save the life of the patient so we take into consideration every aspect that can provide prompt and dependable medical evacuation services for the patient.

Like the transportation time needed for the patient to arrive and meet with the medical crew to ensure no waiting time or delays

We also provide the air ambulance handling with ramp access to get there swiftly to the aircraft to facilitate patient transfer because time is of the essence.

Airworthiness and registration certificates (Depend on the country)
Worldwide insurance (Depend on the country)
Full crew information
Visas may be needed for crew members/passengers.
Complete flight schedule.
The latest copy of the Medical Report
Treating Hospital & Doctor details
Receiving Hospital & Doctor details
Patient Details
Passport Copy of patient & Companion
AN Aviation is not limited to Africa and the Middle East region but can be extended through our worldwide network.

Thanks to our professional team we are able to respond to any emergency request within approximately 40-45 minutes 24/7.

And we ensure that the process is seamless and as smooth as possible for you.

We are constantly striving to deliver the best service to our clients at all times without compromising our high standard and the clinical welfare of our patients.


الموضوع الأصلي : Air Ambulance handling in Egypt     -     المصدر : منتديات     -     الكاتب : AN.aviations

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