مركز رفع الصور

منتديات التسويق والنشر

AN.aviations عضو جديد

AN Aviation provides VIP service Handling for any type of aircraft from single-engine aircraft and helicopters to large aircraft. No aircraft is too large or too small.

For clients who prefer privacy and efficiency and are governed by time-sensitive schedules. Our VIP service handling is the first choice for clients with high standards. We provide fully VIP service handling, serviced luxury lounges, on-site customs/immigration, and quarantine clearance and communication facilities to suit all leisure and business travel needs.

We supply exclusive tailor-made VIP services that save valuable time by expediting the clearance process through arrivals or departures

From prioritized security checks and passport controls to a personal VIP agent to your stay in the exclusive VIP lounge with a limousine transfer to/from the aircraft.

To helping with transfers, baggage & family travel, we ensure a swift, smooth and safe passage through the airport to make the airport something to look forward to – for you, your clients, or your loved ones.

Also, Our team will meet and assist you on the ground to make sure every preparation is running smoothly and professionally.

Our team can offer you a comprehensive array of support services to take care of all your needs 24/7. As well as ensuring a VIP service handling each and every time.

VIP assistance and escort for passengers
Check-in and baggage handling
Exclusive VIP forecourt
Individual transport to/from aircraft
Catering and/or restaurant special catering
Option of personal greeting/farewell for accompanying persons
Assistance at the passport and security control
Support with all departure and arrival formalities.
Weather Forecast
What we do on the ground to support your aircraft is only part of the story.

– We provide passenger handling VIP services in airports.

– Our staff, well trained with good knowledge and skills, support the various operations of airline companies with a spirit of hospitality.

– Responsible for creating a smooth, professional customer experience for all airlines, VVip private fleet, and executive charter customers.

– Our team of especially highly trained staff leads passengers through a range of services expected from a premium Passenger Services team.


الموضوع الأصلي : Aviation VIP handling in Egypt     -     المصدر : منتديات     -     الكاتب : AN.aviations

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