مركز رفع الصور

منتديات التسويق والنشر

AN.aviations عضو جديد

AN Aviation Services Co offers its customers full international cargo handling services passed on an IATA Standard Ground Handling basis.

Safe operation of aircraft requires weighing all hold cargo and baggage (or an accurate estimate of weight provided by using “standard” values), it must load correctly and to secure to prevent movement in flight.

Loading should be in full accordance with the generally applicable regulations and limitations, the operator loading procedures, and in accordance with the instructions given
by the person with overall responsibility for the loading process for a particular flight.

These loading instructions must match the requirements for distribution stated within the aircraft load and trim sheet.

Ramp Resource Management (RRM) training is team-related training to make effective use of all available resources people, equipment, and information to optimize personal and flight safety, and the efficiency of the aircraft turnaround.

Special procedures prescribed for abnormal loads such as:
Those covered by Dangerous Goods Regulations
Heavy items
Oversize items
Items have unusual dimensions/proportions.
Flight details (Routing, Flight Number, and Date)
Aircraft type, variant, and registration
Distribution of hold loads.
Void/nil fit positions
Bags per ULD/hold
Priority small package
Quick Ramp Transfer
Weight allocation to each compartment does not exceed limits.
IATA Certified Dangerous Goods Handling Staff.
Unit Load Devices
Most wide-bodied aircraft, and increasingly some narrow bodies, are able to use containers called Unit Load Devices (ULD).
Consolidate baggage or cargo items before being loaded into the aircraft hold by specialized hydraulic lift equipment.
The ULDs maneuver manually to a final position on board by use of a roller floor, before being finally secured in position.
Weigh ULDs are a must or the number of baggage items per container must be within a specified range and standard baggage unit weights applied.
Close interface with ramp services on the coordination of services and the seamless transfer of shipment between warehouse and aircraft parking ramps.

Use netting to restrain bulk-loaded loose baggage items within holds so that they do not move in flight.
Any load that shifts in flight will move the aircraft’s center of gravity and can cause control difficulties (in extreme cases causing loss of control)
And prevent baggage door opening post-flight.
Use cargo netting to divide larger holds into sections.


الموضوع الأصلي : Cargo Handling in Egypt     -     المصدر : منتديات     -     الكاتب : AN.aviations

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