مركز رفع الصور

منتديات التسويق والنشر

AN.aviations عضو جديد

Obtaining overflight and landing permits is the first step in your journey. Since our operation department is twenty-four-seven on call, we can process flight clearance permits promptly and efficiently.

AN Aviation obtains overflight and landing permits on a daily basis for everyone from commercial flights, private flights, technical stops, cargo as well as relief and emergency permits, and much more.

We are based in Egypt and UAE. We are able to file and obtain permits for any destination worldwide in the shortest possible time frames from government authorities.

Our company has grown over the years, And with our years of experience, we make sure we are up to date on the latest changes and regulations. We maintain close relationships with the Civil Aviation Authorities and authorized agencies around the world.

We would appreciate a 24-hour notice but we can secure overflight and landing permits, even with a client’s short notice. Because we understand, there are unexpected events that cannot be avoided.

Also, we ensure that our clients get regular updates on flight clearance rules and any type of political activity that may affect their journey. In addition to keeping the operator in touch with his aircraft movements.

We are dedicated to the highest standards of aviation, and we continue to set new standards, working every day to expand our knowledge.

AN Aviation Services Co. provides a full range of flight operations and dispatching. Also, our licensed dispatchers can release flights, provide flight plans, weather packages, communication with the aircraft on VHF 131.7 radio, and send and receive messages by SITA, fax, and/or e-mail.

Simply contact or email us and let us, you can relax and let us handle the application process on your behalf and we will arrange all necessary clearances to ensure your flight meets the requirements of the relevant local authority.


الموضوع الأصلي : Overflight and Landing permit in Egypt     -     المصدر : منتديات     -     الكاتب : AN.aviations

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