مركز رفع الصور

منتديات التسويق والنشر

sauditk عضو فعال

It consists of a display screen and a resistive thin film screen that closely fits the display screen. This resistive film screen is usually divided into two layers. One layer is a base layer made of glass or plexiglass, and its surface is coated with a transparent conductive layer; the base layer is pressed with a hardened and scratch-resistant plastic layer that we usually contact directly. There is also a conductive layer inside the plastic layer (there is also a multi-resin surface layer underneath, and the surface is also coated with a transparent conductive layer). The two conductive layers are separated. The outermost layer of OTI coating acts as a conductor, and the second layer of OTI is attached with a voltage field of +5V to 0V in both horizontal and vertical directions through a precise network. When a finger touches the screen, the two conductive layers that are normally insulated from each other make a contact at the touch point. Because one conductive layer is connected to a 5V uniform voltage field in the Y axis direction, the voltage of the detection layer changes from zero to zero. Non-zero, after the on state is detected by the controller, A/D conversion is performed, and the voltage value obtained is compared with 5V to get the Y-axis coordinate of the touch point, and the X-axis coordinate is obtained by the same reason. This is the most basic principle common to all resistive technology touch screens. The key to resistive touch screens lies in material technology. . Resistive screens are divided into four-wire, five-wire, six-wire and other multi-wire resistive touch screens according to the number of lead wires.

HUAWEI IdeaHub S 86

When the finger touches the screen, the two conductive layers are in contact at the touch point, the resistance changes, signals are generated in the X and Y directions, and then sent to the touch screen controller. The controller detects this contact and calculates the position of (X, Y), and then operates according to the way of simulating a mouse.

The OTI coating of the resistive touch screen is relatively thin and easy to fragile. If the coating is too thick, it will reduce the light transmission and form internal reflection to reduce the clarity. Although a thin plastic protective layer is added outside the OTI, it is still easily affected by sharp objects. Destroyed; and because it is often touched, the surface OTI will appear small cracks or even deform after a certain period of time. If one of the outer OTIs is damaged and broken, it will lose its role as a conductor, and the life of the touch screen is not long. But the resistive touch screen is not affected by dust, water, and dirt. This kind of touch screen can work in harsh environments, but the hand feel and light transmittance are poor, and it is suitable for occasions where gloves are worn and cannot be touched directly by hands.


الموضوع الأصلي : HUAWEI IdeaHub S 86     -     المصدر : منتديات     -     الكاتب : sauditk

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