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Labiaplasty Cost In Turkey
Labiaplasty, a cosmetic surgery aimed at altering the labia minora and majora, addresses physical discomfort and dissatisfaction with appearance. In Turkey, this procedure is gaining popularity due to its effectiveness and affordability. Labiaplasty can alleviate issues such as irritation, discomfort during intercourse, and urinary tract infections. The surgery, performed under anesthesia, involves either the cutting or wedge method to reshape the labia. While recovery may involve discomfort and swelling for several weeks, most patients resume normal activities within one to two weeks. Turkey offers advanced medical facilities, experienced doctors, and competitive pricing, making it an attractive destination for labiaplasty. It's important to note that this surgery typically doesn't affect sensation or sexual function negatively. For those considering Labiaplasty In Turkey, centers like Medicsey Center provide expert consultation and care.
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