مركز رفع الصور

منتديات التسويق والنشر

medicsey عضو نشيط

In the eye, behind the pupil, there is a lens that is used to properly focus. With advancing age, the lens becomes harder and loses its flexibility gradually; consequently, you would need glasses, or you could replace it with eye lens replacement surgery in turkey. Here at medicsey, we ensure you that we can provide you with the best medical staff and equipment for lens replacement surgery in turkey.
Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE)
Phakic Intraocular Lens Implantation (PIOL
Implantable Contact or Collamer Lens (ICL)
Cataract surgery
The lens of the eye is located behind the pupil, and it’s kept inside a bag that completely covers it, with the components of the lens, and those components are certainly transparent and stable in place until something strange happens. That changes their nature in the event of an injury or a cut in this bag, so the transparent color turns into a white color that is felt in the patient in the form of blurry or foggy vision. At first, this fog affects a small part of the eye and then, begins to spread after a while until it is over the entire eye, causing completely distorted vision. Consequently, surgery is necessary, and such surgeries are very widespread in the world, and they’re easy, which leads us to cataract surgery in turkey.


الموضوع الأصلي : Lens Replacement Surgery in Turkey | Medicsey     -     المصدر : منتديات     -     الكاتب : medicsey

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