مركز رفع الصور

منتديات التسويق والنشر

AN.aviations عضو جديد

Over 30 years of profound professional experience in providing Ground handling services to International Airlines flying to/from Egypt from the four corners of the globe.
We differentiate ourselves from our competitors by seeking perfection in absolutely everything we do.
This search for perfection has become an integral part of our corporate culture, “both in the air, as well as on the ground”.
As a result of this, AN Aviation services CO. is considered one of the leading companies for Ground Handling services in Africa.
The reason for our continued success in this area is quite simple – we endeavor to create long-term partnerships built on mutual trust, respect, and integrity, not only for our clients but also for our partners.
With AN Aviation services CO. Credit Facility, your crew doesn’t need to travel with cash as sometimes it can cause complications in some parts of the world. (Please note that a lot of stations do not accept payments by credit card).
We know all the charges applicable at each location, thus you avoid paying any extra or hidden fees which are often charged by some handlers when your aircraft is on the ground.


At AN Aviation, we provide all services include aircraft needs during the period it remains on the ground, unlike others can do in five different operational areas;
passenger service, ramp service, flight operations service, load control, engagement, cargo, mail service, and representation, supervision service.

All your ground-handling needs. Not only highly trained employees, but also we have (FBO) fixed-base operator for ground handling requirements.
Because we are in the field for more than 30 years, so we are pioneers in ground handling services.

AN Aviation Services Company’s agents will make arrangements for wheelchairs or other transport to the departure gate for mobility-impaired passengers and will process safeguard, and supervise any unaccompanied minors (UMS), From check-in to aircraft boarding and from aircraft deplaning to release to a parent or other authorized person.

An aviation services company is an obtained ISAGO Registration focus on safety, security
An aviation services company is registered as ISO 9001, 45001 members.
24/7 operation bureau
Integrated civil aviation services


الموضوع الأصلي : Ground Handling in Egypt     -     المصدر : منتديات     -     الكاتب : AN.aviations

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